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Is Protein Rotation Beneficial for Dogs? How Healthy Dog Treats Fit In - Farm To Pet

Is Protein Rotation Beneficial for Dogs? How Healthy Dog Treats Fit In

Protein is arguably the most important component in a doggo’s diet, but does periodically rotating different types of proteins offer any health benefits? The short answer is YES, so let’s look at what protein rotation really means, what the key benefits are, and how to incorporate it into your pet's meal plan.
Dog waiting to be fed Farm to Pet Turkey Chips from his owner, Sarah.

Table Scraps: Healthy Dog Treat or Canine Catastrophe?

We all consider our pets part of the family. So it makes sense that we would want them to partake in family dinner, right? Wrong! Even though the safest choice for a healthy pet treat is one made especially for them of high-quality ingredients like ours, there are some human foods we can share with our furiends. Learn which ones are okay to share with Shirley the shih-tzu, which are off limits for Ollie the otterhound, and why.
Are Single-Ingredient Dog Treats the Best Healthy Dog Treats? - Farm To Pet

Are Single-Ingredient Dog Treats the Best Healthy Dog Treats?

Not only are single-ingredient dog treats simpler for us pet parents to understand, they are also simpler for our pets to digest. Since they free from potentially harmful or artificial ingredients and nutrition-free fillers, they also are less likely to produce adverse reactions from allergies or food sensitivities than multi-ingredient recipes. Read - and treat! - on!
What Makes a High Quality Ingredient in Healthy Pet Treats and Foods? - Farm To Pet

What Makes a High Quality Ingredient in Healthy Pet Treats and Foods?

We all want our pets to have high quality foods and treats in their diets. But with so many options on the market and so many sources of information to sift through, how do we really know if what we’re feeding our beloved fur babies is actually high quality? Farm to Pet is here to help!
Why Walking your Dog Might Be the Best Healthy Dog Treat of All - Farm To Pet

Why Walking your Dog Might Be the Best Healthy Dog Treat of All

Here's why a daily walk with your fur baby gets our vote for healthiest dog treat. Even though we think ours are a close second - and the best for treats dogs eat! - the health, behavioral and emotional benefits are too great to overlook. So put those paws to the pavement and rack up the benefits for yourselves!
The ABCs of Proper Puppy Nutrition - Farm To Pet

The ABCs of Proper Puppy Nutrition

Concerned about how and what to feed your new puppy? This helpful look into which foods provide most important nutrients for puppies and how much of each they need will put your mind - and your puppy's tummy- at ease.
The Rise of Premium Pet Treats: Does Premium Equal Healthy? - Farm To Pet

The Rise of Premium Pet Treats: Does Premium Equal Healthy?

Our pets are premium, so why not their treats? It doesn't have to mean more expensive - in fact, it usually means higher-quality ingredients. Take a look at the common threads among pet treats that are considered premium, as well as if that means they also top the list of healthy dog treats too.
What to Watch for When Shopping for Healthy Dog Treats - Farm To Pet

What to Watch for When Shopping for Healthy Dog Treats

At Farm To Pet, we believe healthy dog treats are close to what a pet would eat in the wild. If an ingredient list reads like a grocery list, like turkey, sweet potato, etc., you’re on the right track. If it looks like chemistry notes, move along. Here’s how to choose the right treat for your dog!
Which Protein Makes for a Healthy Dog Treat? - Farm To Pet

Which Protein Makes for a Healthy Dog Treat?

What we feed our pets - including treats! - is so important to their health and wellbeing. Are there certain proteins that make a healthy pet treat? Are some better than others? Read on for more about the importance of protein to dog nutrition and how to choose the best protein-based treats.
Five doodles of different size and color waiting patiently outside near a bag of Farm to Pet Chicken Chips.

Healthy Dog Treat (Hide and) Seek: Where to Find Farm to Pet

How did our founder and his trusty dog Rooney grow our business from one vet office to more than three hundred US locations and counting? With the simple promise that pets deserve the best. Find a retailer near you!
Do Elk Antlers Make A Good Organic Dog Chew? - Farm To Pet

Do Elk Antlers Make A Good Organic Dog Chew?

Elk antlers are natural, organic, cruelty-free, sustainable and nutritious. Sounds like a great combination for a pup’s chewing pleasure. But do antlers make good organic dog chews? The short answer is “yes” but let’s look into why, for which pups and how antlers are the chews to choose!
The Love of Pets: Treat Your Fur-ever Valentines on February 14 and Every Day - Farm To Pet

The Love of Pets: Treat Your Fur-ever Valentines on February 14 and Every Day

The pet-human relationship has never been stronger! Read on for the latest stats on pet ownership and fun ways to show your pets your unconditional love - including healthy dog treats!

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